Irland 2018

Top of the mornin’ to you! - 7th grade in Ireland

irland 5Leprechauns, fairies, Guinness beer and cloverleaves - this is what you would probably think of first when it comes to Ireland, but we (the 7th grade) had the chance to experience Ireland in a completely new way. First, we arrived in Galway after a long bus ride (driving on the “wrong” side of the street) from Dublin and after a plane delay.

On our first day, we got to know and love the city of Galway. The other activities like Irish dancing and visiting the Cliffs of Moher, where we just felt like Harry Potter in the Half-Blood Prince, were awesome as well. The treasure hunt, however, left us all wet and exhausted after running and swimming around in liquid sunshine (= rain in Ireland) for almost two hours. When we heard that at the end of the rainbow, or in our case the treasure hunt, there was no pot of gold and not even a leprechaun but only a coffee and a snack from the language school as a prize, we were kind of disappointed. For the most part however, we had a nice time in our college; we did a lot of groupwork as well as a survey where we had to walk around in Galway and ask people numerous questions about life in the city. Some Galwegians (= people of Galway) were tired of the many students that make surveys in their city, maybe because of the fact that they make up one third of the inhabitants. We spent our last night in Galway figuring out the rules of rugby while watching a game in the local stadium. The Irish saying, “Rugby is a sport of thugs played by gentleman” proved to be true, as well as the high amount of “gingers” that stood out in the crowd.

At this point, one must not forget to mention the seven boys that decided to prepare themselves for the military service by cutting all their hair to 12mm during our stay in Dublin. The Irish capital, howevery, not only has nice barbers, but also amazing sights like the St. Patrick’s Cathedral, the Spire, Phoenix Park and the Guinness Brewery.

We all came back with a ton of new Englih skills and were fond of our time there as well as the Irish landscape including bogs, the “mountains” in Connemara, sheep, cows and the greenest meadows of all.

Hopefully we haven’t adapted to the Irish- English too much; it would be problematic if we said things like, “I tink” and, “half eight” instead of half past seven at our oral English Matura.    

Marie-Sophie Kranlich and Anna Hecher, 7BG

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Motto des Monats


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Schulautonome Tage 2024/25

Folgende schulautonome Tage wurden vom SGA beschlossen:

  • Herbstferien: Sa., 26.10.24 bis So., 03.11.24

3 weitere schulautonome Tage:

  • Di., 22.04.25 (Osterdienstag)
  • Fr., 02.05.25
  • Fr., 30.05.25

Schulautonome Tage 2025/26

Folgende schulautonome Tage wurden vom SGA beschlossen:

  • Herbstferien: 26.10.25 – 02.11.25

2 weitere schulautonome Tage:

  • Fr., 15.05.26
  • Fr., 05.06.26

