erasmus19 aus schülersicht


(from the students' perspective)

eras19001 1This year 21 students of Biondekgasse could take part in an exchange project sponsored by the European Union. Our main topic was sustainability and resource conservation.

At the beginning of June we welcomed students and teachers from Spain, Portugal and Slovakia. The week was full with projects in the morning and excursions in the afternoon. We showed our guests the beautiful city of Baden and were invited to the town hall, we saw the work of a beekeeper, we went to Vienna (highlight was Spittelau: the incineration plant) and we had, of course, the big presentation afternoon at the end of the week with a special buffet for our guests.

The week was an interesting cultural experience for all of us – it was an excellent opportunity to practise English (or even Spanish) with our guests. Now, we are looking forward to going to Spain or Slovakia in the next school-year.

If you want to find out more, please read the German article from Mrs Fink :)

Simon Klima 4GG

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Motto des Monats


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Schulautonome Tage 2024/25

Folgende schulautonome Tage wurden vom SGA beschlossen:

  • Herbstferien: Sa., 26.10.24 bis So., 03.11.24

3 weitere schulautonome Tage:

  • Di., 22.04.25 (Osterdienstag)
  • Fr., 02.05.25
  • Fr., 30.05.25

Schulautonome Tage 2025/26

Folgende schulautonome Tage wurden vom SGA beschlossen:

  • Herbstferien: 26.10.25 – 02.11.25

2 weitere schulautonome Tage:

  • Fr., 15.05.26
  • Fr., 05.06.26

